21 Quotes & Sayings By Joseph Fink

Joseph Fink was born in 1939 in Brooklyn, New York. At the age of sixteen, he was struck by polio and became a quadriplegic. After graduating from high school, he spent three years at the Joe Horn School for the Deaf in Brewer, Maine. He then took a job at The Daily News, where he wrote about the daily lives of New Yorkers for 25 years Read more

He also wrote two books about his experiences in New York City: Joseph Fink's Blooming Column (2004) and Joseph Fink's New York (1994). He currently resides in Manhattan with his wife.

It's not other people that hurt us, but what we...
It's not other people that hurt us, but what we feel about them Joseph Fink
Jackie.''Mm.''Thank you for keeping me company in my nightmare.' Jackie...
Jackie.''Mm.''Thank you for keeping me company in my nightmare.' Jackie grinned at her, ' Nah, it's our nightmare now. Joseph Fink
We have big dreams - sometimes scary, unforgettable dreams that repeat on the same date every year and are shared by every person in town - but we make those big dreams come true. Remember the clock tower? It took eight years and $23 million to build, and despite its invisibility and constant teleportation, it is a lovely structure that keeps impeccable time. Joseph Fink
History is us squinting into the past, mistaking millions of tiny vibrations in all directions for unified, unidirectional movements by entire civilizations. Joseph Fink
Troy and I loved each other. We called it 'unconditional love', which was true. Once conditions arose, the love dissipated. Joseph Fink
Josh loved his mother, but he did not know why. Diane loved her son, and she did not care why. Joseph Fink
It didn't matter what he said. The world is terrifying. It always is. But Cecil reminded her that it was ok to relax in a terrifying world. Joseph Fink
...their relationship was a point of near-constant discussion in Night Vale, all of their imperfections and faults, which made them individuals worth loving. They had built those faults into the usual messy, comfortable, patched-up, beautiful structure that any functioning long-term relationship ended up being. Joseph Fink
She loved him the way one loves an old bridge or a wool sweater or the sound of a growing tulip. Joseph Fink
Taking a shower often solved problems for her. She would find herself with thoughts that seemed to come from outside her, thoughts that would question decisions or offer suggestions or just consider life hazily in a way that made it seem like the thoughts could not possibly be her own. Joseph Fink
Remember that misuse of language can lead to miscommunication, and that miscommunication leads to everything that has ever happened in the whole of the world Joseph Fink
Desperation does not breed empathy or clear thinking. Joseph Fink
But babies become children, and they go to elementary schools that indoctrinate them on how to overthrow governments, and they get interested in boys and girls, or they don't, and anyway they change. Joseph Fink
Such are the foolish dreams of idealistic children who believe that anything can possibly get better over time. Joseph Fink
Valentine's Day is a disaster. Any day that is designed to perfectly encapsulate something as messy and personal as two people in a romantic relationship would have to be. But in Night Vale it also kills people. This is called satire. Joseph Fink
[Mayor Dana] I don't know a lot of things. I do know there will always be problems for Night Vale. There are so many. Usually they pass. Often they kill many people, but what are people but deaths that haven't happened yet? [Jackie] Births that already happened? Joseph Fink
As we all know, the spine ridges of adult cats are highly poisonous. If you are coming to see a kitten that you have adopted, it is important that you check for the location and severity of the spine ridge before attempting any petting. Also, keep your hands away from their mouths. A few of them have developed their venom sacks. We lost two cat adopters already this month, so..let's just be careful people. Joseph Fink
Jackie's eyes burned. She wasn't sure if it was an allergic reaction. She couldn't remember ever feeling this sensation. She touched the corner of her eye. It was wet. There was water coming from her eyes and trickling down her cheeks, and she knew she was crying but she wasn't sure if she had ever cried before. Joseph Fink
To be remembered is, I think, a basic human right. Not one that occurs to a person when it is there, but like a parched throat in the desert when it is gone. Joseph Fink
To be remembered is, I think, a badic human right. Not one that occurs to a person when it is there, but like a parched throat in a desert when it is gone. Joseph Fink